Features of Miyazaki Caviar

  • Impurities are manually removed in a clean room, and the eggs are carefully selected.
  • To extract the flavor of Caviar, their eggs are salted and preserved for a long time without using any other preservatives.
  • Our Caviars are lightly salted with a special French rock salt suitable to keep them fresh.
  • The growth of the Caviars used in our products can be traced right from the sturgeon breeding stage.

Product overview

Raw material  Sturgeon eggs, rock salt
Product expiry Within 6 months from the date of manufacture (can be refrigerated for 1 week after being thawed)
Preservation method Needs refrigeration


Each bottle contains 100 g 1 box contains 1 bottle
For consumers and professional use
Each bottle contains 20 g 1 box contains 1 bottle
For consumers and professional use
Each bottle contains 35 g 1 box contains 4 bottles
For consumers and professional use
Each bottle contains 44 g 1 box contains 3 bottles
For consumers (gifting purpose)

Sturgeon breeding care

Our fish farm is located at the North of the Nichinan city, which sees a lot of rainfall and warm climate throughout the year. The area has a thick forest cover and its mountains are famous for the Obisugi trees grown on them. Our farm located in the area that has abundant greenery and clean water sources are spacious enough for breeding sturgeons. The Caviars are fed a specially prepared fodder to ensure that they are rich and mellow.

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